This video tells of Roy Rogers and Dale Evens, and their involvement in the Big Bear Lake community back in the 1940’s & 1950’s. It includes clips from a few Movies and TV shows that Roy and Dale filmed in and around Big Bear. The images for this video were...
In March of 1911, a film company from Hollywood, called the Essanay Company, arrived at the Pine Crest Resort near Lake Arrowhead. They unloaded their equipment, and began filming a short one reel film entitled “Romance of the Bar O”. It is believed that this was the...
Famous film director/producer Cecil B. DeMille was one of the first Hollywood producers to use Big Bear as a location for a filming. Just three years after the Bison Motion Picture Company had arrived in Big Bear, DeMille was up here making a silent film called “The...
A couple miles west of the Big Bear village, up in the hills off of USFS road 2N10, nestled in the woods, is a small manmade lake. This lake is the home of the Cedar Lake Christian Camp that provides lodging and camping accommodations to private groups. It is also a...
A couple miles west of the Big Bear village, up in the hills off of USFS road 2N10, nestled in the woods, is a small manmade lake, which is the home of the Cedar Lake Christian Camp. Today it provides lodging and camping accommodations to private groups, and...
Famous film director/producer Cecil B. DeMille was one of the first Hollywood producers to use Big Bear as a location for a filming. He not only filmed in Big Bear Lake, he built a home up here, and became involved in real estate development on the south side of...