Our four part series of “Living With Fire” tells how the Big Bear Lake communities have dealt with the threat of fire over the last 100 years. This Part 3 episode takes a look the Great Fire of 1946. The images for this video were provided by the recently published...
Surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest, Big Bear residents are well aware of the constant threat of both domestic and wildfires. This four part series, of historical videos, looks at how the Big Bear Lake communities have dealt with the threat of fire over...
The new hardcover historical book “Vanishing Big Bear – 2” by Rick Keppler has just been released. It is now available at the Big Bear Museum, and at the following retail locations around the valley: Butchers Block – Interiors on Fox Farm Road ...
Kim Sweet and Rick Keppler present some history of the marina and village at Big Bear Lake, California. This presentation is illustrated with a collection of old historical photos showing the evolution of both the marina and the village area on the lake near the...
Demolition continues on the old bridge across the top of the dam at Big Bear Lake. The removal project is about one third complete. Here is another image of the bridge at Big Bear Lake when it first opened in 1924. Note: The copyrighted information in this article...